The Easiest way to
select photos
Worlds best photo selection/proofing tool used by top photographers

How it works
Drag and Drop photos
Upload photos with simple drag and drop. Lightning-fast uploads of up to 60Gb in 90 mins.

Top Features

Lightning Fast uploads
Uploads 60 GB in 90 mins.

Secure Album
Use 4 digit PIN to download or select photos.

Duplicate Album
Duplicate albums to give separate links for each party.

Import to Lightroom
Get sorted photos in a folder or import them directly into lightroom.
Other benefits

WhatsApp Integration

Better Workflow

24 X 7 on Call support

Less Back and Forth Calls

Less Album Re-work

Upload 10,000+ photos
Join 4000+ Photographers To See How Premagic Makes Their Life Easy.
Start your free trial today & feel our magical experience
Recommended by
Creators of World Class Photobooks, Photobook Printing, Preserving Memories.
Not Convinced? Try For Free!
What People Say
Premagic gives easy tools to start, grow, and manage the photography business with ease. It not only helps in saving time but also provides flawless clients interactions